Don't Settle On Your Inspections.
Aerial Intelligence has been making utility inspections safer, faster, and more accurate since 2015. We have a dedicated team of pilots, camera operators and lineman inspectors who insure every aspect of your inspection is performed at the highest quality.
Finding the Needle in the Haystack
Time is money, so don’t spend it guessing where your system might fail next. Our aerial inspections can target your least reliable areas and identify the highest severity faults in a matter of days.
Having images of every structure is great, but it can be overwhelming. With our inspections, you can filter down to find exactly what you need, without having to sift through what you don’t. We can even create special filters to fit your exact needs. These are just a few of the ways we can help you find the needles in your haystack.
Our Pilots, Our Crews, Our Training
Passing the FAA Part 107 test is just the beginning for a Aerial Intelligence pilot. Each pilot is trained in the field from the ground up over several months, and must pass an internal exam before they are cleared to run a crew. A proprietary training program based on Army Aviation procedures combined with 7 years of aerial inspection experience help us ensure our crews are more than qualified to fly your structures. Every step of our inspection process, from receiving a project to completion and delivery, is done in-house.
Flown By Pros, Inspected By Experts
While our UAS crews are in the field capturing important data and images, our expert crew of Journeyman Lineman are scouring the incoming data looking for faults. With 200+ years of combined experience, each of our lineman are capable of accurately inspecting your system using data provided by our flight crews. With their expertise, we can provide a detailed report of every fault along with its location and severity. However, if there are specific problems your system is having, our lineman inspectors can hone in on those faults. Regardless of what we are looking for, our inspections will save you time by telling you exactly where your highest severity issues are.
Making an Impact Across the Globe
Thanks to our partnership with Scopito, our expert team of Journeyman Linemen can analyze and inspect projects around the world. In addition to our inspections in the US, Colorado Aerial Imaging has performed inspections in Australia, the UAE, Italy, and Switzerland. It doesn’t matter where your lines are, our lineman and Scopito will ensure you get a quality inspection.
We Aren’t Afraid to Get Dirty.
There are times structures are located in areas that are not easily accessible by vehicle or by foot. Our crews are capable of positioning themselves wherever possible in order to fly every structure safely and legally. This means our crews are walking or hiking along the line, usually while carrying the drone and extra gear along with them. Mud, snow, hundred degree heat, and freezing temperatures are all conditions our crews are ready to fly in when necessary.
The images below were all captured because a crew went above and beyond to reach a good position. As a result we captured images of structures that most drone companies would simply refuse to fly.